Iranian workers’ message to French workers

Message of Congratulations and Solidarity of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company on the victory of the workers, students and people of France.

Over the past few weeks, the people of Iran, the working people, students and our union, have been closely and with much interest following the news from France, hoping in our hearts for the victory of the just movement of the great workers’ and students’ unions and the people of France.

The news of this movement was inspiring and exhilarating for the imprisoned union activists in Iran. The Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company extends its congratulations and solidarity for this victory to the people of France and in particular the workers’ and students’ unions.

We hope that as in your country the labour rights of the working people in defence of their interests in accordance with Convention 87 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) would be fully realised in our country too as soon as possible.

In the hope of that day!

With warm greetings and wishes for a better world

Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company

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